請幫忙翻譯一句: 你是我這一輩子最愛的男人。
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你是我這一輩子最愛的男人。A. You are the very person that I love (the) most in my life.B. I have never loved anyone else more (better) than you in my life.C. I love you better (more) than I love myself in my life.
一個極為恰切的說法: You are the love of my life. 你是我的生命之愛 同名英語歌曲歌詞:http://www.romantic-lyrics.com/wedding/ly56.shtml|||||版主是姓聶嗎? ~~~~~~~~~ ^ ^|||||口語化初級 you are my most lovely man in my life !! 中級 You are my favorite man in my entire life !!|||||You are my life love man.|||||You are the one (of my life). The one 有真命天子的意思, 例如: I love him so much; he is the one. 或者可以說 He is the beloved man of my life. 給你參考|||||you are the apple of my eye 你是我心中的唯一!! 2011-06-17 01:39:42 補充: 或許跟你要的你是我這一輩子最愛的男人不太一樣 但是這句話會更強烈^^|||||You are my favorite man in my entire life2DFBFFA78A0B7F41